Sunday, September 16, 2007

Fall Fiesta

We enjoyed fiesta in santa fe with friends Kelly Alex and Amory- Amory was decked out like a princess and I think looked prettier than the fiesta offense to the fiesta queen. At the top is Pasha at his first museum visit- we saw egyptian ruins! Cool!

Aunt Jamie and Uncle Harvey come to visit

Grove's sister Jamie and brother in law Harvey came all the way from DC to visit their new nephew...and it was mutual love at first sight! We had a barbq with Maya, Cisco, Joe and all of us- it was great. Hopefully, Jamie and Harvey will come back to visit again soon...or , I don't know, maybe buy a place here?

Pashs in his mom's Kazakhstan hat!

Photos from August trip to Denver

Here are the five grandkids and grandma's new house in Denver!

Family photos!

These are all pictures from our first trip with Pasha to Denver. From the top: susannah and savanna; anna, lea and lily; jimbo, jenny and susannah; grandma katy with savanna and lily; and the 5 parks siblings

First road trip!

Pasha and I went to Denver with my neice Savanna, and met up with all my siblings and all my neices. We also had a visit from good friends Deidre and Hayden Shearer.....all at my mom's new house in Lakewood, CO. We had a wonderful trip.....from the top- all the neices plus Hayden and Deidre; The Family; Pasha playing Mozert's concerto 21 in B flat; the hula hula girls, Lily and Savanna; and hanging with his mom at a mexican food restaurant

End of summer at Vallecitos

Pasha had a wonderful summer up at the ranch doing some of his favorite things: driving the truck, lassoing horses, "peacing out" at the river, and hanging with his parents andnew friends. This photo is of Pasha with Steve Smith, who became best pals immediately.....