Thursday, May 10, 2007

In Almaty

We made it to Almaty and are enjoying it immensely! We are staying in a really nice hotel- the Hotel Kazzhol....we have a suite and Pasha has a crib. Almaty is a beautiful city with lots of trees and gorgeous mountains to the south. Pavel did great on his first plane trip- he was very busy the first hour (eventhough it was midnight), had to eat, smile and talk to other passengers, look out the window at the flashing lights on the wing, and then finally, after a good loud 8-10 minute cry, went to sleep for the last 1. 5 hours of the flight. Yesterday, we had his required medical exam- he is 20 pounds and 27 inches, and healthy. The guy is putting away unbelievable amounts of food. He is also crawling like crazy and walking as much as he can (with our help). He is very energetic! We have 3 days of just waiting here and then our US embassy appointment on Monday....then we fly late monday night. There is a business center here so we have some internet access....will write if anything interesting happens! Happy weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Grove and Jenny!

You are on you final leg of this long journey! Enjoy Almaty and your time exploring!

Robin Gillis
Proud Mama to Aida Claire (10), Gulbairam Zoey (9) and Aigul Janel (8) adopted from Pavlodar Baby House 10-01 at the same time. What a ride home it was :0 .