Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Leaving Pavlodar!!!!

Well, the time has finally come- we are leaving Pavlodar. Seven weeks and one baby later, we are out of here! Its been a good 4 days with Pasha. He is definitely adjusting to life outside the baby house. He is very demanding and clingy- wanting to be held a lot, eating a lot and sleeping a lot! We are tired, but happy. Not sure how much internet access we will have over the next 5 days in Almaty, but will post here if we can. If not, we will talk to you soon once we are back in the good old USA on the night of May 15th! Maya is picking us up, so thank you Maya. Thank you to all for all your love and for checking our blog! We are very excited to come home and see every one. Here are a few photos of us at "home" and the beautiful tulips Grove bought me when we brought Pasha/Pavel home. Lots of love! Jenny, Grove and Pavel

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Can't wait.