Monday, April 9, 2007

Happy Easter and happy spring from Pavlodar!

Pictures at sunset on easter sunday on the Irtysh River (and a few pictures of Pavel!) We are still waiting for a court date- cross your fingers we get it this week! We'll keep you posted....


Anonymous said...

Jen and Grove,

Thank you for sharing your story on line. We adopted three girls from the Pavlodar Baby House in 2001, and it is nice to follow your story. It brings back so many memories. Enjoy you time there. Have you found the chicken shack near the river front? I believe it is on the main street in Pavlodar and near a grocery store. Just down the road from the indoor mall and clock which follows the river! It was so nice to have the chicken which was like ours here.

Have fun and best wishes. Your son is such a cutie!

Robin Gillis
Proud Mama to Aida Claire (10), Gulbairam Zoey (9 this Saturday) and Aigul Janel (8) adopted 10-01.

Anonymous said...

He is so so so cute and looks just like Grove!!! We are chomping at the bit to meet him... C,A,T