On April 17th we went to court and the judge approved our request to: 1)adopt Pavel, 2) change his name to Pavel Eliot Young Burnett and 3) be listed on his birth certificate as his mother and father! So, its official.....sort of. The order doesn't take full effect until 15 days after it was signed, meaning not until May 3rd. So- Pavel stays in the baby house until May 3rd, and we continue to visit him daily. Court went more smoothly than we expected. There is a new judge and we had heard she was tough. Fortunately, we have the greatest lawyer in the world and she knew exactly what the judge would require and ask about, etc. So, our "hearing" only took about 45 minutes. Grove gave a great speech about why we wanted to adopt from Kazakhstan, why we wanted to adopt Pavel, our experience with the baby house and the procedure we had followed. All I basically had to do was stand up and say "I agree with everything my husband says." Then, the director of Guardianship and Care testified in our favor, a representative from the baby house testified in our favor, the prosecutor asked a few questions and then recommended a favorable ruling, and Svetlana gave a killer closing argument. The judge then took a 45 minute "recess" to make her decision. When she came back, she read her decision in our favor and that was that! Court was very formal and we were nervous beforehand so we are glad this part is over! Huge thanks to Svetlana and Elena (our translator for court and all our official documents)- they are both so wonderful and we all celebrated with champagne afterwards. We told Pavel all about it today but he was really more interested in being hung upside down by his feet! Kids these days!.... Here are photos of Elena, Svetlana and me after court in front of the court house and me and Grove- the new parents (notice my good luck necklace!)!!!!
What wonderful new! The necklace looks beautiful, Jenny, just like you! I'm so thrilled. Now it's just the waiting game, right? Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you before you get home. Love, Jennifer Marshall
Robin Gillis
Congratulations! Now it's official that your his parents! This also means that all of Pavel's friends will have the hots for his mom through-out his teens. I hope he can handle it. Christine Berrian had the hot mom in my high-school and she grew to hate her because of it. Her mother was hot, though. I haven't seen her in 27 years. I doubt she's hot now.
Tony- I appreciate the compliment. However, remember that when Pavel is in his teenage years and boys are actually talking about "hot moms" I will be almost 60. I'm betting I won't be winning the "who has the hottest mom contest" at that point. You haven't seen me in about 27 years either. I do appreciate it though...love, Jenny
hi guys-
"hot mom" controversy aside.....
WOW. the change in pavel since he became a burnett!!
he looks positively presidential.
such a relaxed, confident, fun and beautiful guy. today a big cup..tomorrow the world!
jenny, love your posts & photos. so generous of you to share these details. wait until your son leaves his most sheltered & honorable baby house in kazat, and explores the vast pastures and mountains of vallecitos. i want to see him on a horse!
okay. hurry home. much much love to you three beautifull burnetts.
Fantastic! Congratulations! Everytime I read a posting I'm brought to tears. It's like a fairy tale come true. You're such a beautiful family. Jenny you look like a beam of light with Pavel. You're glowing!
Love, Aimee
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