The visits with Pavel continue to go great. We look forward to them every day. We visit with him from 9am-10am, when he has to go down for his nap. He is teething and chews on everything. A few days ago, I got to feed him after our visit. You should see the way they feed the babies here- there is no messing around. Pavel sat in a little chair at a little table and ate and drank in under 4 minutes flat. They feed them with huge tablespoons and he drank out of a china coffee cup (with my help). Grove thinks the “orphan way of feeding” is great! No monkey business- and no mess! The orphanage is really pretty wonderful. It is extremely clean, very well organized and the care takers that we have been around are really good to these kids. This “baby house” has 80-100 kids in it from newborns to 4 year olds. Once they get past 4, they go to a regular orphanage. We have only seen 4-5 other babies that are in Pavel’s group. The rest of the kids are in another part of the building so we haven’t seen where they stay. The only bummer is that we have to keep doing this every day for the next 3 weeks. We really want to bust him out NOW and bring him to our apartment, but then we would probably be arrested.
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